We exist to make disciples.
Known by our love—from our neighborhoods to the ends of the earth—we are committed to bringing people into fellowship with Jesus and His Church.
Find community at the Grove
We believe that biblical community is not only the best vehicle for spiritual growth, but also the best vehicle for mission that leads to discipleship.

A 40-week discipleship journey
Jesus commanded His followers to "go and make disciples." This is our mission as Christ-followers — for every Christ-follower — and this is God's strategy so that the world would come to know and love Him.

If our hope is to see our neighbors come to know Jesus, we must become faithful disciples committed to BLESSing.

A 40-week discipleship journey
Jesus commanded His followers to "go and make disciples." This is our mission as Christ-followers — for every Christ-follower — and this is God's strategy so that the world would come to know and love Him.

Our hope is to see our neighbors come to know Jesus, so we must become faithful disciples committed to BLESSing.
Discipleship is our strategy— here's why:
God's strategy for bringing restoration to our broken world is through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ lives in His people, the Church.
His strategy for the Church? Discipleship.
We're a church who wants to bring restoration in our neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth.
Discipleship is God's strategy, so it's ours too.
Jesus Christ lives in His people, the Church.
His strategy for the Church? Discipleship.
We're a church who wants to bring restoration in our neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth.
Discipleship is God's strategy, so it's ours too.