God Is on the Move!

A market encounter leads a man
to faith in Jesus
by Steve
Paul lives in a predominately Muslim context. This past month, he was at the market when his friend Eli confronted him again about his faith as a Christian. In the past, Eli would fight Paul and attempt to argue with him to return to Islam. But this time, Paul was able to share that even after all their fighting, he still loved Eli and wanted him to know the truth about Jesus. That day, Eli listened to Paul and did not try to fight.
Right there in the market, Eli heard the Gospel and trusted Jesus as his Savior.
Paul gave Eli one of the few extra Bibles he had to help him study more about Jesus.
God is on the move!
In fact, this month Paul and his team of disciples have been able to share the Gospel with nearly 600 people! And 23 of these accepted Christ. Paul shares that this number is unusually high in this Islamic dominate area.

Just this past Sunday, 21 of these new believers were baptized. They are standing with their arms crossed to say that they belong to Christ and today they have united with him in his death, burial and resurrection by this baptism.
Join us in praying for Paul as he continues to train up disciples to be sent out to advance the Gospel? And for these new believers as they face possible persecution from family as they share about their new faith.
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