Pressured to Renounce Their Faith

Pressured to Renounce Their Faith
by Steve
Earlier this month, four believers were arrested from the church in Zalingei. Paul and Silas, our global partners, were away. They had actually begun travel to meet me a few days later in Uganda.
Tuesday evening, Paul shared, “Our brothers have been detained in the police station. No one is quite sure what is going on. There are different stories circulating. One story is that someone reported their sound equipment stolen and since the church has some microphones, they arrested our brothers. Others are saying that local authorities do not want Christianity in this area.”
Of the four men, one is an English teacher, two are church leaders and the fourth leads a Jesus film team.
The Jesus Film team leader was beaten by the guards. All were persuaded to renounce their faith. Paul shares, “They all stand to their faith and said, ‘We are Christian not for someone, but by someone, and we can’t deny Jesus because of anything! If you want to do anything we don’t care.’”
The pressure remained to renounce their faith in Jesus. Their accusers also called on the relatives of these men attempting to convince the family to persuade them to renounce their faith. But Paul said, “The brothers are remaining faithful!”
Tuesday evening, Paul shared, “Our brothers have been detained in the police station. No one is quite sure what is going on. There are different stories circulating. One story is that someone reported their sound equipment stolen and since the church has some microphones, they arrested our brothers. Others are saying that local authorities do not want Christianity in this area.”
Of the four men, one is an English teacher, two are church leaders and the fourth leads a Jesus film team.
The Jesus Film team leader was beaten by the guards. All were persuaded to renounce their faith. Paul shares, “They all stand to their faith and said, ‘We are Christian not for someone, but by someone, and we can’t deny Jesus because of anything! If you want to do anything we don’t care.’”
The pressure remained to renounce their faith in Jesus. Their accusers also called on the relatives of these men attempting to convince the family to persuade them to renounce their faith. But Paul said, “The brothers are remaining faithful!”

By Friday the situation worsened. Thursday evening into Friday morning, the men were beaten all evening. They were denied drinking water and their heads shaved using broken glass.
Then Sunday morning we received word that the men had been released!
“Spiritually, they are very strong. They were taken to the court to record their words. They said, ‘We are followers of Jesus, and this is not something that needs to be questioned.’ Everyone was amazed in the midst of all those aggressive people,” shared Paul.
We praise God for the release of these men. A few days later, the guards returned to the church and invited the men to come to the station to pick up the confiscated items. It was a ruse to rearrest the men. They have again since been released and remain bold in their faith. The story has begun to make international news. They are all released but the case remains open. Attorneys are appealing for the case to be dismissed. They were ultimately charged with apostasy, a law that had been abolished in 2020.
“And they have never been discouraged or felt intimated,” shared Silas. “Instead they are winning more souls to Christ. On the ground and on social media as well. Praise be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Then Sunday morning we received word that the men had been released!
“Spiritually, they are very strong. They were taken to the court to record their words. They said, ‘We are followers of Jesus, and this is not something that needs to be questioned.’ Everyone was amazed in the midst of all those aggressive people,” shared Paul.
We praise God for the release of these men. A few days later, the guards returned to the church and invited the men to come to the station to pick up the confiscated items. It was a ruse to rearrest the men. They have again since been released and remain bold in their faith. The story has begun to make international news. They are all released but the case remains open. Attorneys are appealing for the case to be dismissed. They were ultimately charged with apostasy, a law that had been abolished in 2020.
“And they have never been discouraged or felt intimated,” shared Silas. “Instead they are winning more souls to Christ. On the ground and on social media as well. Praise be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Click below to hear an update on these men by global partner, Paul.
- Please continue to pray for these men and the steadfastness of their faith.
- Pray for those who wish to do harm to followers of Christ.
- Pray for the church to increase in the midst of persecution and hardship.

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