George, Connor, Charlie, and Griffin. We are big believers in the local church and how the church was God’s “plan A” for reaching the world with the gospel. God has called our family to plant churches in unreached areas around the world and right now that calling is for the country of Italy.
While Italy is culturally Roman Catholic, less than 1% of Italians consider themselves evangelical believers. There is a desperate need for local churches that share the life-giving message of the gospel with their communities. 80% of cities, towns, and villages have no evangelical church, not even one! No one is going to reach Italians with the gospel better than Italians, so it is imperative that there are local bodies of believers to equip and encourage Italians to make disciples.
While the Grove is our sending church, we have been appointed missionaries with Avant Ministries, a missionary sending organization that has focused on planting and developing churches in unreached areas of the world since the 1890s. We will begin our journey in Northern Italy before leading a new church plant team down to Catania, Sicily. We know that God did not intend for us to do this alone, would you consider partnering with us?
Here's how:
Giving. As we see in 1 Corinthians 12, we all have a specific and significant role to play in God’s Kingdom. In cross-cultural missions, God calls some to go and others to send and support; neither role is more important than the other. It takes a team and God plans to use the entire team for His purposes. Our family is being called to plant churches in Italy. Would you consider partnering with us prayerfully and financially to help us reach Italians with the life-changing reality of Jesus?
Praying. Please pray for Italians to see that following Jesus is JOY and for them to want a relationship with Him, for our family as we prepare to go, and for our neighbors to make disciples that make disciples.