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Williams Family

Hunter & Kate
(Sloane, Rowen, Oakley and Judah)

Hello! We're the Williams Family.

Hunter, Katelyn, Sloane, Rowen and Oakley of Liberty Hill, Texas. As followers of Jesus, God has pressed on our hearts the desire and conviction to help plant Gospel-centered churches among the currently unreached in Japan.

The Japanese are the 2nd largest unreached people group in the world. Within its 126 million people, less than 1% are Christian. It is estimated that 95% have not even heard the Good News of Jesus.

May we be a part of changing that together!

With the Grove as our sending church, we will join a network of Church-planting churches in urban Japan, called Mustard Seed Network, to continue on mission in glorifying God by making disciples who make disciples and further exalt the name of Jesus globally.

Would you consider partnering with us in this joint endeavor? And together let’s look forward with eager expectation to the return of our King, as we live for the display of His splendor!

Here’s how:

Giving. Your financial stewardship would serve to advance the Good News of Jesus and be a vital part of partnering with us to reach the unreached in Japan.
Praying. Please pray for the Japanese people to come to know and believe in the One True God, pray for laborers in the harvest near and far, and pray for our family to daily grow deeper in love with God, His church and people.